Will Ultrasonic Cleaner Remove Grease?

Ultrasonic cleaners are becoming an increasingly popular choice for people looking to clean their belongings.

But, will ultrasonic cleaner remove grease? In this blog post, we will take a look at ultrasonic cleaners and discuss whether or not they can be used to get rid of grease.

How Does Ultrasonic Cleaning Work?

Ultrasonic cleaners work by producing high-frequency sound waves that create cavitation bubbles in liquids.

When these bubbles collapse, they create a scrubbing action that loosens and removes dirt, grime, and other build-up from surfaces.

This process is often used to clean jewelry, eyeglasses, metal parts, and electronic equipment.

Benefits of ultrasonic cleaning

When it comes to cleaning applications, ultrasonic technology is a game-changer.

This powerful and precise cleaning process uses ultrasound waves to generate intense heat and pressure in liquids, resulting in a deep and thorough cleaning that other methods simply cannot match.

The key to ultrasonic cleaning is acoustic cavitation, an effect that occurs when the high frequency (25-42 kHz) ultrasound waves cause microscopic bubbles to collapse rapidly and violently.

These sudden implosions produce incredible levels of heat and force that effectively break apart dirt and grime, dissolving it into the liquid.

The small size of the cavitation bubbles ensures that this process takes place on a very fine scale, so rather than damaging delicate surfaces like jewelry or precious metals, they are actually enhanced by the ultrasonic energy.

Overall, this combination of heat and pressure makes ultrasonic cleaning an incredibly effective method for removing grease, oil, rust, flux residue, and many other types of contaminants.

Whether you are trying to clean surgical tools or industrial machinery, there is simply no better way to get your equipment looking like new again!

So if you’re looking for an increasingly popular and highly effective alternative to traditional cleaning methods, look no further than ultrasonic cleaning.

Will ultrasonic cleaner remove grease?

Ultrasonic cleaners can be effective at removing grease from surfaces.

The high-frequency(created by an ultrasonic transducer) sound waves create cavitation bubbles that loosen and remove build-up, including grease.

This process is often used to clean metal parts, electronic equipment, and other objects that can benefit from a deep clean.

Efficient Ways To Degrease Using Ultrasonic Cleaners

There are two types of ultrasonic cleaning solutions, emulsifying and demulsifying, that are commonly used for removing such deposits.

Let’s take a look at the advantages of each method of cleaning.

Emulsifying Cleaning Solutions

Emulsifying cleaning solutions work by separating oily contaminants from water-based solutions, collecting them in an emulsion.

This method is known to be very efficient in the beginning, but as time goes on and the ultrasonic bath continues to be used, contaminants gradually begin to accumulate in the solvent, thus causing cleaning performance to decrease.

Not only that, but when contaminated items are removed from the cleaning tank, they might spread the contamination to other objects in the rinse cycle.

Therefore, an ultrasonic cleaner needs to be equipped with a filtration system to remove contaminants from the solvent. Otherwise, you run the risk of recontaminating your product.

Demulsifying Cleaning Solutions

Demulsifying cleaning solutions, on the other hand, do not create an emulsion of the water and oil.

Instead, they work by breaking down the oil into small droplets that are suspended in the water. This prevents contamination of the solution and allows for more effective longer-term cleaning.

Additionally, demulsifying solutions rinse more easily and completely than emulsifying solutions.

This is due to the fact that there is no oil-based contamination to be rinsed away.

As a result, products cleaned with a demulsifying solution require less time in the rinsing cycle and are less likely to be recontaminated.

So, Which Is Better?

When it comes to removing grease, both emulsifying and demulsifying solutions can be effective. However, demulsifying solutions have some clear advantages.

They are more effective at preventing solution contamination, require less time in the rinsing cycle, and are less likely to recontaminate the object being cleaned.

For these reasons, demulsifying solutions are generally the better choice for most applications.

What is the ideal frequency for ultrasonic cleaning?

The best ultrasonic cleaning frequency to use is generally around 40 kHz, although frequencies as high as 42 kHz may also be effective.

This ultrasonic frequency can clean delicate items and has enough strength to remove different types of contaminants.

It can be used for a variety of ultrasonic cleaning needs around the house and for hobbies, such as cleaning jewelry, eyeglasses, tools, bike parts, fountain pens, and carburetors.

What fluid should you use in an ultrasonic cleaner?

What fluid should you use in an ultrasonic cleaner

In many industries, such as electronics and mechanical engineering, the cleaning of components is an essential part of maintaining the performance and integrity of a variety of devices.

Whether it is related to jewelry, collector’s coins, small tools or other types of utensils, ultrasonic cleaners are one of the most effective methods for removing dirt and debris.

Not only do they quickly and precisely clean hard-to-reach places, but they also help to combat allergies by effectively dealing with dust and other contaminants.

In some cases, when there are particularly dirty items or if there are extensive decorations that need to be removed, it may be necessary to enhance the cleaning effect with appropriate cleaning fluids that not only improve its efficiency but also extend the life of an ultrasonic cleaner itself.

Regardless of what type or size of item you need to clean, using an ultrasonic cleaner is an effective way to get the job done efficiently and effectively.

What cleaning solution should I avoid?

Solutions with low flash points or flammables should never be used.

This includes isopropyl alcohol. Vibrations in the cleaning solution can generate high temperatures during cleaning action, which can be dangerous with flammable liquids.

The energy from cavitation is converted into heat and kinetic energy.

You should avoid using acids, bleach, and bleach by-products. However, if you must use them, do so with indirect cleaning in a proper container, such as a glass beaker. Be sure to take appropriate care.

Stainless steel tanks can be damaged by acid and bleach, which can create hazardous conditions.


To prolong the lifespan of your ultrasonic cleaning machine, follow these simple tips. You need to keep the cleaner tidy, just like you clean your belongings with it.

To avoid any potential accidents, we recommend that you follow the dos and don’ts of ultrasonic cleaners for effective cleaning.

DO read the manual that comes with your machine. Every ultrasonic cleaner is different, and each one has its own unique set of instructions.

If you don’t take the time to read the manual before using your machine, you could end up doing more harm than good.

DON’T use your ultrasonic cleaner without adding the proper cleaning solution first.

Depending on the type of item you’re cleaning, you’ll need to use a specific solution in order to get optimal results. You can usually find these solutions at your local hardware store or online.

DO clean items that are made of similar materials together. For example, if you’re cleaning a bunch of metal objects, it’s best to keep those items together in the same cycle.

Cleaning dissimilar materials together can cause damage to delicate items like jewelry.

DON’T try to clean an item that’s bigger than the tank of your ultrasonic cleaner.

If an item doesn’t fit comfortably inside the tank, it’s not going to get clean, plain and simple. In some cases, trying to force a large item into a small tank can cause serious damage to both the machine and the item itself.

DO pay attention to how long you’re leaving items in the ultrasonic cleaner. Most items only need to be cleaned for 3-5 minutes in order to achieve optimal results.

Leaving items in for too long can cause damage, so it’s best err on the side of caution when first starting out.

DON’T Overload the machine. If you overload an ultrasonic cleaner, it won’t be able to effectively clean your belongings.

When loading items into an ultrasonic cleaner, be sure to leave enough space between them so that the sound waves can reach all surfaces of each item. If necessary, clean your items in batches so that you don’t overload the machine.


Cavitation erosion is the damage caused to a material by the collapse of cavitation bubbles on its surface. Cavitation bubbles are formed when a liquid is subjected to high pressure, such as in an ultrasonic cleaner.

When the pressure is released, the bubble collapses, causing a tiny impact on the surface of the material. Over time, these impacts can cause pits and other damage to the surface of the material.

Materials with smooth, soft surfaces are particularly susceptible to cavitation erosion. This includes polished aluminum, brass, lead, and certain plastics such as carbon fiber reinforced plastic.

You can prevent cavitation erosion by avoiding long cleaning cycles in an ultrasonic cleaner. If you must clean for a long period of time, use a lower power setting on the cleaner.

You can also add a Cavity Shield to your ultrasonic cleaner, which will help protect vulnerable materials from cavitation damage.


Ultrasonic cleaners are a great way to remove oil, grime, and other buildup from a variety of surfaces. However, it’s important to follow the proper instructions when using one of these machines.

Taking the time to read the manual and become familiar with the machine before using it will help you avoid damaging your belongings or the machine itself.

When in doubt, it’s always best to err on the side of caution by cleaning for shorter periods of time and using a lower power setting.

With a little bit of care, an ultrasonic cleaner can be a valuable addition to your home cleaning arsenal.