Can You Clean Coins in an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

Ultrasonic cleaners are a great way to clean all sorts of things. They are especially good for cleaning delicate items that can’t be cleaned with traditional methods.

So, the question is, “can you clean coins in an ultrasonic cleaner?” In this blog post, we’ll discuss whether or not you can clean coins in an ultrasonic cleaner and, if so, how to go about doing it.

We’ll also provide some tips on what type of coins are best suited for ultrasonic cleaning.

Is it safe to clean Coins in an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

Is it safe to clean Coins in an Ultrasonic Cleaner

The answer is yes, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, only certain types of coins can be cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner.

For example, gold and silver coins are good candidates for ultrasonic cleaning, but copper coins are not. This is because ultrasonic waves can cause copper coins to tarnish more quickly.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you should never put more than a few coins in the ultrasonic cleaner at one time.

Overloading the machine can damage the coins and/or the machine itself. Finally, be sure to use a mild detergent when cleaning your coins; anything too harsh could damage them.

What Kind of Coins Can be Cleaned Using Ultrasonic Cleaners?

The first thing you need to know is that there are two types of coins: those made of precious metals and those made of base metals.

Precious metal coins, such as gold and silver coins, can be cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner without any issues. However, base metal coins, such as copper and nickel coins, should not be cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner.

The reason for this is that base metal coins can react with the chemicals in the ultrasonic cleaner, causing them to tarnish more quickly.

If you do decide to clean base metal coins with an ultrasonic cleaner, be sure to use a mild detergent and do not leave them in the cleaner for more than a few minutes.

How Ultrasonic Cleaners Work

Ultrasonic cleaners generate cavitation bubbles in liquids using high-frequency sound waves.

These bubbles collapse and create a scrubbing action that cleans surfaces without damaging them. That’s why ultrasonic cleaners are great for cleaning delicate items like coins.

Method To Clean Coins in an Ultrasonic Cleaner

If you want to clean your coins with an ultrasonic cleaner, we recommend using distilled water and dish soap. Put the coins in the basket of the ultrasonic cleaner and lower them into the solution.

Set the timer for five minutes and turn on the machine. After five minutes, remove the basket and rinse your coins with clean water. Your coins will be bright and shiny!

Reasons NOT To Clean Coins

Reasons NOT To Clean Coins

Coins are often collected for their value, and cleaning them can decrease that value.

In some cases, it can be difficult to determine if a coin has been cleaned or not. If a coin is cleaned and then sold as an uncleaned coin, the collector may be disappointed.

Cleaning coins can also be difficult, and in some cases impossible, to undo. Once a coin is cleaned, it may be difficult to return it to its original state. This is especially true if the coin is old or rare.

Some people believe that cleaning coins are acceptable if the coins are going to be used for purposes other than collecting. However, many collectors do not agree with this sentiment.

Cleaning Coins Using Ultrasonic Cleaners: Things To Note

1. You Shouldn’t Use an Ultrasonic Cleaner on Old or Valuable Coins

If you have old or valuable coins, it’s best not to clean them using an ultrasonic cleaner.

That’s because there’s always a chance that the ultrasonic waves could damage the coin, causing it to lose some of its value. If you want to clean old or valuable coins, it’s best to do so by hand using a soft, clean cloth.

2. You Should Use Distilled Water in Your Ultrasonic Cleaner

If you’re going to use an ultrasonic cleaner to clean your coins, make sure that you’re using distilled water. That’s because tap water can leave mineral deposits on your coins, which can be difficult to remove.

3. Don’t Overload the Ultrasonic Cleaner

It’s important not to overload your ultrasonic cleaner when cleaning coins. If you do, the coins won’t get as clean as they should be. It’s best to only put a few coins in the ultrasonic cleaner at a time so that they can be properly cleaned.

4. Know When to Stop Cleaning

You should stop cleaning your coins when they appear to be clean. If you continue cleaning them after they’re already clean, you run the risk of damaging them.

So, once they look shiny and new, take them out of the ultrasonic cleaner and dry them off.


Yes, you can use vinegar to clean your coins. However, you should only use vinegar if your coins are very dirty. If your coins are not very dirty, you can just rinse them off with water.

To clean your coins with vinegar, simply place them in a bowl of vinegar and let them soak for a few hours. After a few hours, take the coins out of the vinegar and rinse them off with water. You may need to scrub the coins with a soft brush to remove all of the dirt and grime.

Yes, you can clean old coins in an ultrasonic cleaner. However, you need to be careful as some cleaners are too powerful and can damage the coin. If you're not sure, it's best to consult with a professional before cleaning your coins.

Yes, you can clean coins using acetone; however, it is important to note that this method should only be used as a last resort. Acetone is a very harsh chemical and can damage the coin's surface if not used correctly.

If you choose to use acetone to clean your coins, be sure to do so in a well-ventilated area and wear gloves to protect your hands.

You should always test a small area of the coin first to make sure that the acetone does not damage the coin. But, if your ultrasonic cleaner is made with plastic, then do not use acetone as it can eat the plastic.


Cleaning coins using an ultrasonic cleaner is a great way to get them looking like new. Just be sure to use distilled water, don’t overload the cleaner, and know when to stop cleaning.

Following these simple tips will help ensure that your coins are properly cleaned without being damaged.