Do Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaners Loose Stones?

It’s no secret that ultrasonic machines are one of the best way to clean your jewelry at home. But with any cleaning method, there’s always the worry that something might go wrong.

So, what about ultrasonic cleaners and loose stones? do ultrasonic jewelry cleaners loose stones? We did some research to find out.

How Ultrasonic Cleaners Work?

Ultrasonic cleaners use high-frequency sound waves to create millions of tiny bubbles in a liquid solution.

These bubbles collapse and release energy that breaks up the dirt, grime, and another build-up on surfaces. This process is called cavitation.

While cavitation is incredibly effective at cleaning jewelry, there is a slight risk that it could loosen stones that are already loose or set in weaker metals.

However, this risk is generally low as long as you’re using the jewelry cleaner properly.

Can You Put Stones in an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

Can You Put Stones in an Ultrasonic Cleaner

You can put stones in an ultrasonic cleaner, but you need to be careful about the type of gemstone. Some stones are much more fragile than others and can be easily damaged by the ultrasonic waves.

For example, opals are very delicate and should never be cleaned with an ultrasonic machine. Other non-organic gemstones, like diamonds, are much more durable and can withstand the cleaning process.

If you’re not sure whether or not your gemstones can be cleaned in the ultrasonic cleaner, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and avoid putting it in.

Will an Ultrasonic Cleaner Loosen Stones?

Yes, ultrasonic vibrations can potentially loosen stones from their mountings. If you have a diamond that is included or has feathers, you should proceed with caution when using an ultrasonic cleaner.

It’s also best to avoid ultrasonic cleaners if the diamond has been treated with fracture filling.

If you’re unsure about whether or not your diamond can be cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner, it’s always best to consult with a professional jeweler.

They will be able to inspect your jewelry and determine if it needs any repair before cleaning.

Professional jewelers also have the knowledge and experience to safely clean your diamond jewelry, so you can rest assured that it will be sparkling and beautiful when you receive it back.

What Stones Can You Not Put in an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

What Stones CWhat Stones Can You Not Put in an Ultrasonic Cleaneran You Not Put in an Ultrasonic Cleaner

You might be wondering if there are any stones that you shouldn’t put in an ultrasonic cleaner. The answer is yes, some stones don’t work well with this type of jewelry cleaning method.

Stones that are particularly soft, or have a Mohs hardness of less than six, can be easily damaged by ultrasonic cleaners. This includes gemstones like turquoise, opal, pearl, lapis lazuli, and more.

Additionally, particularly brittle stones can also be damaged by ultrasonic cleaners. Brittle stones include emeralds, onyx, and turquoise.

Finally, stones with a lot of inclusions can also be damaged by ultrasonic cleaners. So, if you have a stone that is heavily included, it’s best to avoid putting it in an ultrasonic cleaner.

In general, it’s always best to err on the side of caution when using an ultrasonic cleaner. If you’re not sure whether or not a particular stone is safe to put in the cleaner, it’s best to consult with a professional jeweler before proceeding. Better safe than sorry!

Using Your Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Properly

Using Your Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Properly

To help avoid loosening any gemstones in your jewelry, there are a few things you can do:

  • Use distilled water instead of tap water. This will help prevent any minerals in the water from damaging your jewelry or causing stones to loosen.
  • Don’t use an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner if your jewelry is damaged in any way. If a stone is already loose, using an ultrasonic cleaner could cause it to fall out entirely.
  • Use the lowest setting possible. Higher settings will create more powerful cavitation and could potentially damage delicate jewelry.
  • Avoid letting your jewelry sit in the ultrasonic cleaner for too long. We recommend no more than 5 minutes per session.
  • Don’t forget to dry your jewelry thoroughly after cleaning! Water that’s left on your jewelry can cause damage over time.


In conclusion, ultrasonic cleaners can be a great way to clean your jewelry at home. However, it’s important to exercise caution when using them, as they can potentially damage delicate stones or loosen settings.

So, should you avoid using ultrasonic cleaners altogether? Not necessarily. If you’re going to use one, just exercise caution and be sure to carefully inspect your jewelry afterwards for any loose stones.

It’s also a good idea to remove any stones that are loose before putting your jewelry in the cleaner. With a little extra care, you can safely use an ultrasonic cleaner on your jewelry without having to worry about losing any stones.